Coat and Blanket Giveaway 2025
Bullet Point Details
- WHAT: We are collecting coats (both sexes; all sizes) and blankets.
- WHEN: We will collect donations through Sunday, November 16th. We will be sorting donations on Wednesday, November 19th. The Giveaway will be held on Saturday, November 22nd at 9:30am.
- WHERE: The Giveaway will be at Transformation Village (18409 11th Ave, Orlando, FL 32833, in the Orange Building). Sorting will be at River Run Church.
- WHY: We want to help those need. This is a fantastic opportunity to love on people.
- HOW: Donations, smiles, conversations, and assisting people who need help finding what they need.
Even Central Florida Gets Cold
Anyone living in the Orlando area during December, January, and February knows that, yes, we have to wear warmer clothes during the winter. It’s a reality here too.
Sadly, this creates a challenge for some of our area residents, particularly the homeless and those with limited storage space. These folks don’t have the luxury of storing clothes for each season. Instead, they only hold on to the clothing they need for the current season, trusting that they will be able to find what they need when the weather changes.
You Can Help
Every November, Big C Outreach hosts a Coat and Blanket Giveaway. We collect donations during the months leading up to November. Then, on the weekend before Thanksgiving, we invite the community to stop by and pick up anything they need for the colder months. All donations are given out free of charge.
The event and the week leading up to it are understandably busy. We need volunteers to make it a success.
If that sounds like fun, please contact to us via our Contact page. One of our team members will reach out soon to discuss where you can plug into the team.
Thanks, and God bless!